Visit the Van Nelle Factory with Chabot

Along the bank of the river Schie lies a remarkable UNESCO World Heritage site: the Van Nelle Factory. Visit the Van Nelle Factory with an experienced guide from the wonderful Urban Guides. Devotees of architecture, art and industrial heritage will thoroughly enjoy themselves with this tour celebrating the Rotterdam’ New Building movement.

The unique building from 1931 is considered to be the symbol of Dutch modernism. The factory is world famous for its progressive design, in which air, light and space gained an entirely new role in architecture. It is without a doubt one of the most extraordinary buildings in town. Even Le Corbusier called it “the most beautiful spectacle of the modern age”.

Every Saturday

€ 19,50 / € 17,50 / € 15,-

Please choose

Guided tour Van Nelle Factory – English 


  • Meeting point:
    The guide will meet you at the gate of the Van Nelle Factory, outside the porter’s lodge.
  • Location address:
    Van Nelle Factory
    Van Nelleweg 1 Rotterdam
  • Public transport:
    Take bus 38 from the Central Station, exit on Beukelsbrug/Van Nelle.
    It leaves every 20 minutes and it is a 10 minute ride.
  • Or do as the Dutch and use a bike! It is a nice bike ride of 15 tot 20 minutes from the Museumpark to the Van Nelle Factory.
  • This ticket is also valid for entrance to the Chabot Museum.

Would you like to know even more about the Van Nelle Factories? Dr. Marieke Kuipers wrote a concise guide (in English), which can be bought at the Chabot Museum for € 14,95.


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